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Grey's Awakening

Grey's Awakening  - Cameron Dane Grey's Awakening is a smokin' hot m/m romance. I'm new to m/m romance genre so I don't have a point of reference as to what is good and what isn't. I read one previous m/m romance and thought that it was just okay. It didn't knock my socks off or anything; but then I figured it was because I was a girl and the book was a male romance. When I started reading Grey's Awakening, I immediately did not like Grey. I thought he was a stuck up, obnoxious, self-absorbed prick. He really needed to get over himself. I couldn't find any redeeming qualities in him but I was hoping that as I continued reading, he would loosen the f*ck up and stop believing that every man in the world wanted him. On the other hand, I completely loved Sirus and thought that he could do better. But they are stuck with each other and they are both attractive men, so of course something was going to happen. Grey's in town for a two week vacation. So they agree to a vacation affair. Even though they agree to a no-strings attached affair, I knew that Sirus would end up getting his heart broken by Grey.Grey is the one that set the rules and boundaries. He's a control freak that way. Sirus agreed to those said rules. I get that. But Grey didn't have to act like a complete dick whenever Sirus went with his feelings (like a normal human being) and stepped outside those boundaries and said rules. Did I mention that I loved the book? Because I did. Despite Grey's faults (and he had many), I loved the developing romance and relationship between these two men. Sirus wears his heart on his sleeve despite trying not to. And with a guy like Grey, that is a dangerous thing. Sirus is able to get Grey to open up emotionally and talk about his past and we get a glimpse into why Grey is the prick that he is. But even knowing that, I still didn't like Grey. He didn't redeem himself for me until the very end, as in the Epilogue.Flutter Factor: Grey's Awakening is beyond hot. There's sexy man love all over the place. The infamous rain scene that I was told about lived up to the hype. I absolutely loved Sirus' character and I knew that it would take him to break down Grey's emotional wall. We're on Grey's journey of opening himself up to love. Grey's Awakening is a hot, sexy romance about finding love when you don't want, don't expect it and don't plan it.