I originally read Lover Eternal back in 2008, when I first discovered the BDB series. I am not one to re-read books. A book has to be pretty damn special for me to re-read it. But when I saw the opportunity to participate in The Great BDB Re-Read for Heroes and Heartbreakers, I decided to go for it. As far as I remember, I liked Lover Eternal so re-reading it would be no hardship.This really isn't going to be a typical review. It's more about my thoughts after reading the book again after 4 years have passed. All I can say is that I can't believe that for the longest time, Rhage wasn't my favorite brother! I always loved Wrath and he will always have a special place in my heart but Rhage is so much more than I remembered.When I started reading Lover Eternal, it did feel like I was reading it for the first time. There were so many details that I forgot! I only remembered that Mary had cancer and that Rhage turns into a dragon. But there is so much more to this book. First, Lover Eternal is about romance! I don't care what anyone says, Rhage and Mary has the best romance of the series! This is what made me fall in love with BDB! Lover Eternal was a perfect blend of Rhage and Mary's story, the lessers and teeny side stories that incorporated the other characters. The major issue I had with the series as it progressed is that it became more about the lessers and everyone else and less about the romance of the "featured couple". In Lover Eternal, Rhage and Mary's romance is front and center and it is epic. I feel that it's even better than Zsadist and Bella's *ducks*.I know everyone loves Zsadist and when I first read Lover Eternal, I thought he was an ass and my opinion did not change after I read Lover Awakened. I really could give two shits about his past and when it's all revealed, I still didn't care. There's something about him that sticks in my craw and stayed with me with each book. It was obvious that Zsadist was Ward's favorite brother and it ticked me off that she devoted so much of the series to him. That little companion novel for Zsadist and Bella? She didn't do that for any other brother so yeah, I was hatin'. But I digress.After reading Lover Eternal, I realized that Rhage gets no love! He's the most under-appreciated brother of the whole series. Even Phury gets more chatter than Rhage! And Phury is just ick! Rhage is the perfect hero. He woos Mary. He takes care of her. He protects her. He sacrifices everything for her. He doesn't need to be fixed unlike some folks *coughZsadistcough*. Yeah so Rhage has been cursed with a Beast where he turns into a dragon. I think that's awesome! And obviously so does Mary because it's only her and her alone who can calm and soothe the beast.Rhage goes through so much for Mary and she for him. I loved that Rhage did not care about Mary's illness. He never dwelled on the fact that he may not have her in his life for long. He just wanted to be with her for however much time she has left. He never treated her like she was sick. There are so many favorite moments in Lover Eternal. But that one moment, where it finally clicked for me and I said to myself "Rhage is the mf-ing man!" is when he fed Mary. If that ain't romantic, I don't know what is.I absolutely loved Lover Eternal and this will be one of the books on my short list of books to re-read.A+