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Crossroads: Southern Arcana, Book 2: Southern Arcana Series, Book 2

Crossroads  - Moira Rogers This is the second book in the Southern Arcana series. Crossroads centers around Nicole Peyton, a werewolf, who were introduced to in Crux. Nick and Derek have had the hots for each other for a while but Derek, a newly turned wolf, has kept his distance. They finally give in to their mutual passion and then their world is turned upside down.I enjoyed reading this book although I liked Crux better (Jackson is my man!). Crossroads started off with a bang with Nick's twin sister, Michelle, escaping the Conclave and arriving in New Orleans seeking help. We're reintroduced to Mac, Jackson, Kat, Alec and Andrew from Crux. Everyone's involved in helping Nick save her sister. Towards the middle, it started to drag. The planning and who's gonna do what to save Michelle took to long to come to fruition. And the explaining of the Wolf Politics was driving me insane! I was getting so confused; I completely related to Derek in that aspect. The climax of the story was something I didn't expect and provided some much needed action.