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Love To Read For Fun

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Her Christmas Pleasure (The Merry Widows)

Her Christmas Pleasure  - Karen  Erickson Her Christmas Pleasure is a super short sexy novella that gives you enough plot and romance to whet your appetite. I love the friends to lovers plot. Damien has loved Celia for a long time but she was married to his best friend. And once his friend died in battle, Damien felt that he wasn't good enough to be with Celia. Celia finally notices Damien in a non-friend way and is more than willing to pursue the attraction that is brewing between them.Her Christmas Pleasure is a sweet and sexy story about friends becoming lovers. I loved Damien's insecurity and it made his character very endearing. The novella is less than 70 pages and I felt that the story ended too soon but I enjoyed it a lot.C